Source code for qmlearn.preprocessing

import numpy as np
from qmlearn.drivers.core import atoms_rmsd, atoms2bestplane
from import read_images

[docs]def get_train_atoms(traj=None, nsamples=None, skip = 0, tol=0.01, direction = None, transform = True, refatoms = None): images = read_images(traj) nsteps = len(images) if nsamples is None : nsamples = nsteps # print('nsteps', nsteps, traj) j = skip - 1 data=[] if direction is not None : # Because the reference atoms already changed transform = True for i in range(nsamples): k=j+1 for j in range(k, nsteps): atoms = images[j] new = True if not transform : atoms.positions[:] = atoms.positions - np.mean(atoms.positions, axis = 0) # atoms.positions[:] = atoms.positions - atoms.get_center_of_mass() if len(data) == 0 : if direction is not None : atoms = atoms2bestplane(atoms, direction = direction) elif refatoms is not None : _, atoms = atoms_rmsd(refatoms, atoms, transform=transform) else : for ia, a in enumerate(data): convert = transform if ia == 0 else False rmsd, atoms = atoms_rmsd(a, atoms, transform=convert) if rmsd < tol : new=False break if new: data.append(atoms) break j += 1 i = len(data) if i < nsamples : print(f"WARN : Only get {len(data)} samples at {j} step. Maybe you can reduce the 'tol'.", flush = True) else : print(f'Get {len(data)} samples at {j} step.', flush = True) return data